Kerry Tremlett
Acrylic and Oil Painter
A textile design degree kick-started Kerry Tremlett’s creative career over thirty years ago. Also a former printmaker, a natural progression to painting in acrylics and oils has provided Kerry Tremlett with a more direct means of expression.
After being unable to receive printmaking supplies during lockdown, Kerry turned to acrylic painting for her creativity and hasn’t looked back.
"My ongoing series of art works on Bathers' is inspired by shared experiences with friends swimming on Dartmoor, in Devon. For many, the pandemic created a new appreciation of the great outdoors. To help us feel alive, nature became an antidote to the feelings of disconnection and wild swimming became the new 'thing'. My acrylic and oil paintings featuring bathers are a celebration of strong friendship and the solidarity that comes from immersing ourselves in cold water swimming in the glory of the landscape. I'm also drawn to the rugged, coasts of Devon and Cornwall, the turbulent seas and the emotions evoked"
The expressive brushwork and euphoric use of colour, make Kerry Tremlett’s acrylic and oil paintings a delight to view. We become immersed in her painted scenes, absorbed by her rough, Devon and Cornwall seascapes and locust in her moments captured in her scenes from cold water swimming with her family.
After being unable to receive printmaking supplies during lockdown, Kerry turned to acrylic painting for her creativity and hasn’t looked back.
"My ongoing series of art works on Bathers' is inspired by shared experiences with friends swimming on Dartmoor, in Devon. For many, the pandemic created a new appreciation of the great outdoors. To help us feel alive, nature became an antidote to the feelings of disconnection and wild swimming became the new 'thing'. My acrylic and oil paintings featuring bathers are a celebration of strong friendship and the solidarity that comes from immersing ourselves in cold water swimming in the glory of the landscape. I'm also drawn to the rugged, coasts of Devon and Cornwall, the turbulent seas and the emotions evoked"
The expressive brushwork and euphoric use of colour, make Kerry Tremlett’s acrylic and oil paintings a delight to view. We become immersed in her painted scenes, absorbed by her rough, Devon and Cornwall seascapes and locust in her moments captured in her scenes from cold water swimming with her family.