Josie Gould
Oil Painting and Mixed Media Painting
Josie Gould has studied Fine Art and Documentary photography, which are both evident in her oil painting and mixed media paintings.
Josie states: “I love being deeply immersed in the local landscapes that I have known since my Devon, farm childhood.
Painting outdoors in oils and mixed media reconnects me with the pulse of the land; the fleeting, ethereal, sensory qualities of light & colour, mystical experiences abundant in the wild places and in my memories throughout Devon. Catching moments which most affect and move me, I interweave these often subtle yet joyful and poetic qualities and moods, the vitality and zest of life, in my oil and mixed media paintings.”
Josie Gould’s captures light beautifully in her oil paintings and mixed media paintings using the sensitivity of a photographer’s eye, capturing colours, shadows and refractions that delight the viewer.
Josie states: “I love being deeply immersed in the local landscapes that I have known since my Devon, farm childhood.
Painting outdoors in oils and mixed media reconnects me with the pulse of the land; the fleeting, ethereal, sensory qualities of light & colour, mystical experiences abundant in the wild places and in my memories throughout Devon. Catching moments which most affect and move me, I interweave these often subtle yet joyful and poetic qualities and moods, the vitality and zest of life, in my oil and mixed media paintings.”
Josie Gould’s captures light beautifully in her oil paintings and mixed media paintings using the sensitivity of a photographer’s eye, capturing colours, shadows and refractions that delight the viewer.